In my free time, I enjoy making dolls. So far, I've created roughly 15 dolls.
This is the first and only plush that I ever made. This obviously is Minna. She was created from an old shirt I had for years and I don't think I ever worn but I might be wrong. The face is made out of an old flannel that I didn't like anymore and the head is incredibly floppy since I used scrap fabric instead of stuffing like the rest of the body. She's very soft and great to hold.
Nenette is the first doll I created in this style. As you can see here, the same fabric used for Minna was used here as well. Her head and limbs were made with polymer clay while the rest of her is plush.
Raymond was the second to be created in this style. He's the only one like this to be based off a original character. His was more difficult to make since the fabrics I used were harder to pierce. The most difficult thing about this doll is the fact that I had to sculpt all of his acid burns and paint the sleeve tattoo. That alone took up an entire day lol.
Currently, Unnamed is the last doll to be made in this style. Her body was created from an old shirt that was given to me by my cousin that had too many holes in it, so I turned it into this. She's the only doll to have more than 2 arms and has painted eyes. I think she's adorable :)
Before I start off this section, I would like to explain a few things since it does get a bit confusing. There are 4 main races within this story :)
This story takes place in the fictional city of Evergreen, Nebraska, USA. The story revolves around 8 characters as they navigate their life, with one of them being destined to end the world in the near future. It also takes place some time in the late 2010s, though it fluxuates whenever I feel like it. Some of these entries may be shorter than others since there's a lot of interesting things about these characters that can't be fully listed. Also guess who's the straight character :3
Francis Olsen is an 18 year old with an affinity for lolita fashion and often wears yamanba makeup. She's half Kalamari half Human and looks more like her mother than she does her father. She's taller than average, making her 4'11 (125.3 cm). Though not stated above, half Kalamaris tend to take on the same skin color as the other parent :)
Donna Stuarts-Hume is 19 and the older identical twin to Monique. The main difference between the 2 is that Donna has dreadlocs while her sister wears ponytails. She's more in tune with alternative fashion and often wears long, decorated nails. She is also 5'6 (170.7 cm), the exact same height as her sister.
Monique Stuarts-Hume is the younger identical twin to Donna. She mostly wears outfits more reminescent of late 90s black fashion. She enjoys doing other people's hair, which may seem obvious.
Lily Hume is a 19 year old who suffers from the floral disease, a disease that is contracted from breathing in pollen from an infected plant. Despite this affliction, she lives life as normally as she can. Though not shown in this picture, she walks with a decorated cane. She is also 5'7 (173.7 cm). This is also the painting I mentioned that accidentally references Rothko. And yes, thats Urotsuki from Yume 2kki as a sand sculpture :D
Alexander Webber, or simply Alex as he likes to be called, is a 19 year old who enjoys doing photography. The odd mark on his face is a birthmark and he is a Doyley. He mainly has recessive traits associated with Doyleys such as being shorter than average (being 5'5 or 167.64 cm), not having a second set of arms and being blind in his third eye. He is also Raymond's boyfriend.
On the left side of the picture is Raymond Magladonia, a 19 year old who enjoys making art. The scars on his face and body are from an acid attack that too place 17 years earlier. In contrast to Alex, Raymond was born with 4 eyes with the fourth being on the back of his neck. He originally had 4 arms as well but they had to be amputated since the burns were too intense. He's above average height for Doyleys, being 6'3 (192 cm) and is the reincarnation of the Doyley Goddess Timpani and is destined to end the world.
On the right side of the picture is Camilla Nguyen, a 19 year old who loves fashion and makes her own clothing for the hell of it. She's 5'4 (164.6 cm) and is Pumpkin's girlfriend.
Ignore the giant steel beam thats about to fall, this is Xenon's fault. Anyways, this is Pumpkin, real name Jayce Kern and he is a Vampire. He has a longer fang due to it being genetic and he has a lisp after getting into a fight roughly 10 years before the story takes place. Just like many Vampires, his birthmark is under his left eye. He is also Raymond's life friend since they've known each other for 16 years.